Cloe isn't really in pre-k, she just thinks she is, ha! She goes to school MWF from 8:30 to 11:00 but stays after school in the childcare program till 2ish then goes on TTH in the child care program. This way I don't have to run her to Joni's and she gets to attend the pre-k class on TTH mornings ... which she LOVES! The pre-k kids go everyday from 8:30 to 3:00. She's there the same amount of time, she just can't be in that class because you have to turn 5 before the end of December.
Blake goes on TTH from 8:30 to 11:00 but is also staying till 2ish to save me the running. I think this is going to be a great schedule for all of us. We can pick them up at around 2:15 p.m. then head to the high school to pick up Elijah at 2:30... round trip 1 hour.
Blake will go to the babysitter (Joni) on M&F which will be good so he can play with his friend Joey (as long as he's there) and have sometime without Cloe ... he follows her everywhere and she can get a little bossy. I want them to be their own individual selves but it's so hard when they are so close in age, and do EVERYTHING together!
I think they are both as equally excited to take a lunch box and eat lunch at school as they are about school itself. It's amazing how such little things make little people happy. This is something we forget as we grow older. Although I have been sad this week, it's been so much fun watching them be SO excited about school. I have the opposite end of the spectrum with Elijah as he hates school and is grumpy every morning as he gets ready to go! I remember laughing when it was just me an Elijah thinking that I would never have other children and if I did I would be on the "college / kindergarten schedule". Elijah will start his senior year when Blake goes to kindergarten. OMG I will be a MESS that day!! I may have to take that day as PTO just to do something for me to help me get through it, hahaha! I have two years to prepare myself!
I guess this is a new chapter in my life? I can say for the first time in a long time, my domestic side - the little one that I have - has really come out not traveling as much. It's a little scary for me but I am willing to see where it takes me.
Best wishes to everyone for happiness, love & laughter the rest of the week and this weekend.
Here are the kiddos' ... each on their first day of school.
Elijah - first day of sophomore year. I got to the school and realized I didn't take his picture. When I said "oh shoot I forgot to take your picture" he replied with "really mom?? Do you still have to do that?" He laughed when I took his picture in the car ... and was probably mortified when I took his picture from the car with the window down as he was walking into the school and his friends were watching, hahaha!!
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