Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pantry Purge

How often do you purge your pantry?

Well.... I obviously don't complete this task often enough.  In order to put the items away that we purchased on vacation, I needed to first clean out the cupboards to make room.  I was AMAZED at the amount of stuff that was outdated - and a embarrassed at the same time.   I realized while sorting through everything,  it's not about how often you purge, it's about how often you use what you have.

The first 7 months of 2014 were more than busy here at the Engle house and I didn't stick to many of my cooking goals, or many of my other ones for that matter.  Now that I am 4 weeks into my sabbatical, I realized how disconnected I was from my family (& friends) and didn't realize it.   Being on vacation for the first 2 weeks of sabbatical really allowed me to "detox" from technology and realize how important time is and being in the moment with what really matters.

I have kicked off this week with a more organized plan for each day - and planning dinner each night.  This week is easy with the fair ... yes I am sure we will be there every night!!  It felt really good to make dinner last night and eat as a family at home - all 5 of us.

So ... do you have some purging to do??  Instead of planning meals around what you want to make, plan them around what's in your pantry,  something I often forget to checkout before planning the weekly dinner menu.  Not anymore, the pantry and the freezer will be looked at before planning weekly meals.


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